Monday 16 July 2012

15 weeks

How big is the baby?
Baby is the size of an apple :)

How I'm feeling.
Still suffering with the headaches, I've had a few days off work with them now but there's nothing I can do about it. Also really struggling in the afternoons at work, could really do with a nap to re-energise myself!

Body changes.
I feel like my stomach is actually bump shaped now, although it's strangely not as noticeable in tight tops, I just look like I've eaten too many pies! Quite embarrassing, but my stomach is also hairier, which hubs says is really not noticable but it is to me.

What I'm eating.
I'm finally back into cooking meals from scratch, after living off takeaways and rubbish freezer food for a while. Beef and tomato pot noodles seem to be a new craving though!

Bump/bloat pic:

Wednesday 4 July 2012

14 weeks

How big is the baby?
Baby is the size of a lemon!

How I'm feeling.
Really sick again in the mornings. Everyone keeps saying it should have eased by now, so I'm wondering if I'm in for the long haul with the nausea! I've also been suffering with a lot of headaches this week, it started with a migraine on Tuesday which eased off but I still had a headache up until Friday. I've read you can take paracetamol but I'd rather not to be honest, so I've just got on with it and (fingers crossed) it seems to have eased this weekend.

Body changes.
I had a letter to say that the urine sample at my scan showed a mild infection, so I'm on a 5 day course of antibiotics at the minute. I'm rubbish at swallowing tablets and these ones actually have a taste to them which makes me gag and I can taste them when I burp for hours after (sorry, too much information there!) but needs must. My stomach is still growing and a few people at work said they could see a bump already, so it's not all in my head! I've bought some maternity trousers for work which are so much comfier and stocked up on a few tops for when I'm bigger as they were on sale.

What I'm eating.
I still can't get enough savoury foods. I like the odd treat still but as I'm still feeling a bit sicky these are few and far between. I actually made a really healthy dinner the other night, which I really fancied and I couldn't wait to eat it but as soon as I'd had a few mouthfuls I felt like it was all going to come back up! So disappointing!

Bump/bloat pic:

Saturday 23 June 2012

13 weeks

How big is the baby?
Baby is the size of a peach this week!

How I'm feeling.
TIRED. I'm really struggling at work in the afternoons, even though I've made sure I'm getting an early night. I don't have the energy to do anything when I get home, just lounge on the sofa until bedtime! I'm hoping that this "burst of energy" you're supposed to get in your second trimester happens for me, because right now I could sleep for England!

Body changes.
Well I think I have a little bump forming! It's quite hard to touch and is like a little potbelly when I look down. I'm also constantly going to the toilet, I wake up once a night (I usually sleep right through) because I need the toilet, and if I don't go my stomach hurts in the morning from holding it in too long. It's a pain but I think there's worse to come with the nightly toilet trips!

What I'm eating.
I'm managing a healthier lunch, but I'm still craving salty things. I think I had my first proper craving the other day - salt and vinegar discos! It was two days before I finally got my hands on some, but oh my were they good! I also can't get enough orange squash, which is odd as it was my least favourite flavour before pregnancy.

Bump/bloat pic:

12 weeks

How big is the baby?
Baby is the size of a plum! Not much of an increase after last week's growth spurt!

How I'm feeling.
Not much different to last week, although I *think* the nausea has subsided a little. I had a few weeks where at work a lot of the time I'd forget about being pregnant (not forget as such, but not think about it every minute of every day like in the beginning) but since we told everyone the news on Thursday, I'm all excited again and actually feel properly pregnant. I think having a scan picture that looks like an actual baby has really overwhelmed me, I feel so happy and lucky to be having a baby grow inside me.

Body changes.
My stomach is even more bloated and I feel like my whole torso has changed shape, from the side I look like I have a bump already but it's probably just water retention and the growth of my uterus making it expand outwards. I plan to start stocking up on some maternity clothes, I feel like it's safe to now we know everything is ok. I don't know how much weight I've put on now, but I'm trying not to weigh myself too often as I don't want to get fixated on it. I'm happy for these body changes to take place, it's a pretty special thing growing a baby and I want to enjoy every second.

What I'm eating.
Still the same things really, although the healthier stuff is slowly creeping back in. Fruit is appetising again, but I think that's cos it's so juicy as I've been really thirsty these last few days. I'm still craving the salty stuff like crisps and cheeseburgers, but I've not let myself go too mad on them.

Bump/bloat pic:

Saturday 16 June 2012

Dating scan

So we went for our scan on Wednesday (13th June), it wasn't until 3.20pm and the day went so slow, I was nervous from when I woke up until we went into the scan room. But I needn't have been nervous as baby was fine, I was a bit worried as the sonographer didn't say much for a while and we both said afterwards that we were panicking that something was wrong, but baby wasn't moving much (I think he/she was asleep) and so I think she was just waiting for them to move a bit. All was fine though and they woke up near the end and did some little jumps in the air for us! We also saw hands waving around by the face which was amazing. I couldn't believe how many features we could see, their little nose is so cute! She dated me one day ahead of what I thought, 11 weeks and 4 days, so my new due date is 29th December :)

Anyway, here's the star of the show!:

Monday 11 June 2012

11 weeks

I'm a day late as I was busy yesterday, but I can't believe I'm now 11 weeks and we have our scan on Wednesday! So exciting.

How big is the baby?
Baby is the size of a lime! I'm amazed at how quickly he/she has grown this last week. I can't believe there is something that size inside me, it's so strange!

How I'm feeling.
Well the nausea has returned! It's been so bad I've actually held back being sick, but could have if I'd wanted to (I have a phobia of sick so have tried my hardest not to be!) I'm off work today as it was so bad this morning. I've also been suffering with really bad heartburn, which might be down to the salty/fatty foods I've been eating because of feeling sick all the time.

Body changes.
Still bloated, I've been wearing my skinny jeans with a bobble through the buttonhole which has worked a treat and they're much comfier.

What I'm eating.
Sweet stuff makes me feel worse most of the time, which is hard because when I'm thirsy the only choices are sweet (I can't drink water on it's own). I feel like I can stomach fruit and veg again now, so I've stocked up on healthier foods to try and make up for all the rubbish I've been eating! Still off tea and coffee, I'm surprised my sister-in-law hasn't guessed by now because of me turning down a cuppa whenever we're round!

Bump/bloat pic:

Sunday 3 June 2012

10 weeks

How big is the baby?
Baby is the size of a prune! He/she is now 30mm in size - amazing considering almost 3 weeks ago at our scan, baby only measured 12mm! I'm so excited for our 12 week scan (which is 13th June, only 10 more days to wait!) to see how much bigger the baby is, my iPhone app says it'll be the size of a lime next week, that is some crazy fast growing!

How I'm feeling.
Tired! Week 7-8 came with horrible nausea in the mornings, but that seems to have disappeared now thankfully. I've been having early nights which seem to help with the tiredness, and I've now got a week off work so plan on relaxing and getting as much sleep as I need. My sense of smell is also through the roof these last few days, I went shopping the other day in my lunch break and I could smell people's perfume/aftershave a mile away, it smelt so strong!

Body changes.
I'm feeling quite bloated a lot of the time which is getting harder to hide at work! I've also been really spotty since finding out I was pregnant, it started just on my face which was bad enough, but my chest is covered in little spots now! Yuk! Speaking of my chest, I've already gone from a B cup to a C cup, which is a size I've never been before! They're still feeling quite tender, too. I'm not going to get too paranoid about weight gain, but I jumped on the scales the other morning just out of curiosity, and I've put on 4 pounds so far. Just before getting pregnant I was on a diet and lost about 10 pounds, taking me back to a size 8, so I expect that some of what I've put on is the effect of stopping my diet.

What I'm eating.
Everything! With the nausea, I couldn't eat much and sweet things made it worse. Now my appetite is back with a vengeance and I'm enjoying eating all the things I couldn't in the beginning. My favourite foods at the minute are coco pops and crisps, I've really gone off tea/coffee though which is strange as I used to love a good cuppa! I guess it's a natural instinct though as you should lower your caffeine intake in pregnancy.

Bump/bloat pic: